Lawn Services & Weed Control


Fort St John

Commercial mowing
Commercial mowing
lawn core aeration

Grass Maintenance

At Mayfield Cleaning & Maintenance we understand that communication and timely responses to service inquiries are key to keeping our customers happy. Our skilled lawn care specialists will work with you to provide you with a customized lawn care and weed control plan that is right for your lawn, your budget, and your local environment. Our goal is to help your lawn thrive and grow into what you envision it to be.

Our lawn care plans include nourishment programs, innovative treatments and various services which include:

  • Residential lawn care
  • Acreage and Estate lawn care
  • Commercial lawn care
  • Power raking
  • Core Aeration
  • Vegetation Control
  • Over seeding
  • Slit seeding
  • Topdressing
  • Ant control

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Contact Us for a Free Estimate

Cancellations with less than 24 hours notice will be subject to a fee of $100.00 on maintenance/carpet cleaning and $50.00 for cleaning services.